Arkansas State University
Windgate Hall of Art and Innovation

Windgate Hall of Art and Innovation at Arkansas State University will be a hub for visual arts, engineering, and computer science students to collaborate and learn from one another.
Practice area
Revitalizing the Image of Art
Windgate Hall will not only create new space for fine arts studios; it will put visual arts at the heart of cross-disciplinary collaboration. In this new campus learning space, art and design students will work together with students of engineering and computer science with the aim of increasing connectivity, engagement, diversity of perspective, and innovation.
Studios and labs throughout the building are designed with maximum flexibility in mind; students and professors will have the space and infrastructure to explore an ever-changing range of scales and media.

[This building] opens the realm of possibility for interdisciplinary collaboration, research and innovation. The common threads among these disciplines are creativity and problem solving. This collaboration will encourage our students to solve complex problems and create unique solutions that wouldn’t be possible within a single discipline.
Window-to-wall ratio, an economical and strategic use of glazing that supports the building’s overall energy efficiency
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WER Architects
Project Team
Ecological Design Group
Pettit & Pettit